Qué días y horarios se realizan las misas en la catedral de Murcia
La Catedral de Murcia, uno de los monumentos más imponentes de la ciudad, no solo es un atractivo turístico por su belleza arquitectónica, sino también un lugar sagrado para los fieles. Si estás en la ciudad y quieres asistir a una misa, es importante que conozcas los horarios y días en los que se celebran en este imponente templo. Además, si quieres visitar la catedral de manera gratuita, hay un día especial para hacerlo. Pero eso no es todo, ¿sabes quién fue enterrado en la catedral de Murcia? Te lo contamos en este artículo. ¡Sigue leyendo para conocer todo sobre los horarios de misa en la Catedral de Murcia hoy y en los próximos días!

¿Cuándo son las misas en la Catedral de Murcia?
La Catedral de Murcia, también conocida como la Catedral de Santa María, es uno de los principales monumentos de la ciudad de Murcia. Esta impresionante catedral gótica ha sido testigo de la historia y cultura de la región durante siglos.
Si estás planificando una visita a la Catedral de Murcia, seguro que te estás preguntando ¿cuándo se celebran las misas?, ¿a qué hora puedo asistir a la eucaristía? A continuación, te contaremos cuál es el horario de misas en la Catedral de Murcia.
Horario de misas
De lunes a viernes: Las misas se celebran a las 8:30 y a las 19:30 horas.
Sábados: Las misas se celebran a las 8:30 y a las 20:00 horas.
Domingos y festivos: Las misas se celebran a las 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 18:30 y 20:00 horas.
Es importante tener en cuenta que estos horarios pueden sufrir modificaciones en día de festivos y en épocas especiales, por lo que te recomendamos que consultes la página web oficial de la Catedral de Murcia antes de tu visita.
Otras actividades religiosas en la Catedral
Además de las misas, la Catedral de Murcia también acoge otras actividades religiosas como el rezo de la Liturgia de las Horas, confesiones y la celebración de sacramentos como el bautizo o la confirmación. Para más información, puedes ponerte en contacto con la parroquia de la catedral.
Aprovecha tu visita para admirar la belleza de esta catedral y conectar con la espiritualidad y la historia de la región.
Entry Times for Mass at the Cathedral of Murcia
If you're planning to attend mass at the Cathedral of Murcia, it's important to know the entry times in order to properly plan your visit. The cathedral, also known as the Cathedral Church of Saint Mary in Murcia, is a stunning example of Spanish Baroque architecture and is considered to be one of the most important churches in the region.
If you want to experience the beauty and splendor of a mass at the Cathedral of Murcia, make sure to take note of the following entry times:
It's important to arrive at least 15 minutes before mass starts, as the cathedral can get quite crowded, especially during peak tourist season. If you wish to attend a specific mass, it's recommended to check the schedule beforehand to avoid any potential schedule changes.
The Cathedral of Murcia also offers guided tours throughout the day, so if you're unable to attend a mass, you can still visit and admire its beauty. Tickets for the tours can be purchased at the entrance or online.
Make sure to take the time to appreciate not only the stunning architecture and artwork inside the cathedral, but also the spiritual significance it holds for many local residents.
Remember: Attending a mass at the Cathedral of Murcia is a special and sacred experience, so please be respectful of the church and its visitors.
Enjoy your visit to the Cathedral of Murcia and may your journey be filled with blessings.
When can I attend mass at the Cathedral of Murcia?
The Cathedral of Murcia, also known as the Church of Saint Mary, is one of the most iconic landmarks in the city of Murcia, Spain. It is famous for its stunning Baroque architecture and for being the seat of the Catholic Bishopric of Cartagena.
If you are planning to visit Murcia and want to attend mass at the Cathedral, it is important to know the schedule of the services. The Cathedral offers a variety of masses throughout the week, catering to the needs of the local community and tourists alike.
The most important mass at the Cathedral is the Sunday mass, which takes place at 11 am and 7 pm. This is when the Cathedral is filled with locals and visitors, and the solemnity of the mass is truly felt. If you want to experience the grandeur of the Cathedral and its religious significance, attending this mass is a must.
For those who prefer a more intimate and peaceful setting, the daily mass at 9 am is a great option. This is usually attended by a smaller group of people, making it easier to follow along and participate in the service.
Aside from the regular masses, the Cathedral also holds special services during important religious holidays, such as Christmas and Easter. These services are open to everyone and are a great opportunity to witness the devotion and traditions of the local community.
Whether you are a Catholic looking to attend mass or simply interested in experiencing the spiritual atmosphere of the Cathedral of Murcia, the schedule of the services is crucial. Remember to plan accordingly so that you can fully appreciate this beautiful place of worship.
So, to answer the question, when can you attend mass at the Cathedral of Murcia? The answer is, whenever you want! Just make sure to check the schedule and choose the service that best fits your preferences.
Free entry times at the Cathedral of Murcia
La Catedral de Murcia es una joya arquitectónica que no te puedes perder si estás de visita en la ciudad. Pero ¿sabías que existen ciertos horarios en los que puedes acceder de forma gratuita?
Conoce cuáles son los horarios de entrada gratuita y aprovecha al máximo tu visita. La Catedral de Murcia ofrece entrada gratuita los domingos por la mañana y los miércoles por la tarde. Es una excelente oportunidad para ahorrar dinero y conocer esta maravilla de la arquitectura.
La Catedral de Murcia es conocida por su mezcla de estilos, que va desde el gótico hasta el barroco, y por sus impresionantes vidrieras y bóvedas. Además, en su interior se encuentran obras de artistas tan importantes como Francisco Salzillo y José Planes.
Si no puedes visitar la Catedral en los horarios de entrada gratuita, no te preocupes, también existen tarifas reducidas para estudiantes y mayores de 65 años.
Aprovecha tu visita a la Catedral de Murcia para conocer también sus alrededores, como el Real Casino de Murcia o el Mercado de Verónicas. Y no olvides llevar tu cámara de fotos, ¡querrás capturar cada detalle de esta impresionante construcción!
No pierdas la oportunidad de visitar la Catedral de Murcia de forma gratuita y maravíllate con su belleza arquitectónica.
Buried Kings at the Cathedral of Murcia
The Cathedral of Murcia, located in the heart of the Spanish city, is known for its stunning architecture and rich history. But hidden beneath its grand halls and intricate details lies a secret that has fascinated historians for centuries - the tombs of the Buried Kings.
The Cathedral was built in the 14th century on the site of a former mosque, and it quickly became the resting place for the monarchs of the Kingdom of Murcia. The first king to be buried here was King Alfonso X of Castile in 1274.
Over the years, the Cathedral became the preferred burial site for the kings and queens of Murcia, and it is estimated that a total of eighteen monarchs were laid to rest here. Their tombs, adorned with elaborate carvings and intricate details, are a testament to the power and glory of their reigns.
One of the most famous tombs is that of Queen Beatrice of Portugal, who was married to King Ferdinand III of Castile. Her tomb is adorned with gold and precious stones, a true masterpiece of medieval art.
But what makes the Buried Kings of Murcia even more intriguing is the legend that surrounds them. It is said that the tombs are connected by secret tunnels, which were used by the kings and queens to attend mass at the Cathedral without being seen.
Unfortunately, these tunnels have never been discovered, adding an air of mystery and enchantment to the already awe-inspiring Cathedral.
The Cathedral of Murcia is not only a testament to the artistic and architectural skills of the time, but also to the rich history and culture of the region. And with the Buried Kings resting peacefully beneath its floors, it holds a special place in the hearts of the people, as well as in the pages of history.